About Me

Welcome. I’m an oil painter. I paint for personal enjoyment and on a commission basis. Oil painting is enjoyable for me because oils are very forgiving. Corrections are simple; once the paint dries, it can be painted over. I even like the smell of oils; the turpentine, varnish and linseed oil remind me of my school days.
My painting career began over 45 years ago. I studied drawing and painting at The Tringale Studio of Art in Woburn, Massachusetts. Art was always a favorite subject of mine when growing up. I spent most of my spare time drawing and coloring. The grammar school I attended would have an art show every year. The winners of the local show would then be entered into the Archdiocese of Boston’s Art Show. When I was in the third grade, I won the local art show and then I placed third in the Boston show. That experience shaped my painting career.
Most of my paintings are photo realistic but sometimes I feel like painting something a little looser. I typically prefer still-life but every now and then a different subject will appeal to me and I’ll paint that.
I hope you enjoy viewing my work.